2023 Winter Wellness Tips
From the desk of Lynn Gorton, Faith Community Health Care Professional.
There is truly something about the change of season that can get us out of sorts.
The deep and biting temperatures in Cleveland and fewer hours of daylight make it hard to stick to a regular schedule of exercise, sleep and eating well. Altering our routines can put us into a funk and if our bodies don’t have enough sunlight, it’s not uncommon to feel depressed or rundown, which makes us more prone to illness.
Here are some immune system boosters that may make the season of winter more livable.
Stay Hydrated...drinking enough water each day boosts your immune system and helps fight viruses. Aim to drink enough water to equal two-thirds of your body weight every day.
Maintain Exercise...choose a gym or facility close to you or use YouTube on your home television. There are thousands of chair workouts that may include yoga, stretching, resistance training or meditation. These help us physically and mentally during the winter doldrums.
Eat Nutritiously...during this season, we can often crave starch-filled casseroles. Make a conscious effort to eat the rainbow of fruits and vegetables that are laden with nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber. These will help increase energy and keep the winter weight at bay. It also has the added benefit of decreasing cancer risk!
Watch Vitamin D levels...low levels of Vitamin D can make you more susceptible to illnesses, especially COVID 19, and this low level will negatively affect your mental health. This vitamin also helps ensure that our bodies absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus for building bone. Ask your doctor for a blood test to check your levels and if your levels are low, add foods like mushrooms and salmon, get some sunshine and consider a supplement.
Protect Your Skin from from Inside Out...cold, dry air quickly draws moisture from our skin. Combine that with a blasting of hot air from a central heating unit and scratchy winter fabric and your skin can end up being a dry and itchy mess. Keep moisture locked into your skin with a nourishing moisturizer such as cereve, or coconut oil that traps the moisture in the skin. Drink plenty of water and eat foods like berries, salmon, walnuts or take omega-3 supplements. Also, consider using a humidifier to help add moisture to the air.
Be Prepared for illness...have vitamin C on hand, either through powder, capsules, or food such as, citrus, bell peppers, strawberries, and cantaloupe. As soon as you feel ill, begin taking this amazing vitamin which can decrease the severity and length of an illness. Try to limit your activities in crowds as they will rapidly spread with talking, coughing, or touching. If you begin to feel ill, please test yourself for COVID 19 with a home test found at any drug store. If you are living with someone, have them tested to help decrease the spread and limit your exposure to other people.