Children's Ministries
Mission Possible
Join us on Friday, March 24, at 6:00pm, in Beacon Hall for the next Mission Possible. Plans for this event will be in the Sunday bulletin when they are finalized. All are welcome to come join in on the fun! Any questions, please contact Quinn at
Vacation Bible School
It is that time of the year again when we start collecting things needed for Vacation Bible School!
This year’s theme is “Stellar: Shine Jesus’ Light” and we will be in space this year. We will continue to have the VBS donation booth in March and, of course, a monetary donation is accepted as well. But to make things a little easier, we have created a wish list for this year on Amazon as well. Just hold your smart phone camera over the code below and voila! You will be sent directly to the wish list. Choose what you would like to donate and pay and it will be sent directly to Quinn Bennett at the church.
Help us continue the amazing tradition we have here at RRUMC of creating a space of fun and learning. Thank you again for all you do to help the children of the church to grow in their own faith stories.
Questions? Contact Quinn Bennett at