Children's Ministries

by Quinn Bennett at

This fall has been a very busy one for the children’s ministry at RRUMC. We have been keeping busy serving our community and enjoying fellowship.

What better way to say thank you than to show you what we have been doing. In September, we started our year off making 75 cups of hot cocoa in mugs for the TBFS. We filled bags with homemade cocoa and topped them off with marshmallows and a peppermint stick. We got a little dirty with this one but it was just part of the experience.

As we got into October, with the amazing help of the church, we were able to pack 100 bags of food for the NEOCH (North East Ohio Coalition for the Homeless). Thanks to RRUMC’s support, NEOCH was able to make a considerable difference in the lives of our fellow sisters and brothers on the streets. Thank you for always supporting us in our adventures in servanthood. [Editor’s note: photos of this event were included in the November 2023 Circuit Rider.]

Tables and Treats was a huge success as around 600 people came through our doors that night. We had 37 tables, an al-time high, decorated and ready for the trick or treaters that came. The Polston Family won Best Table with their Harry Potter themed table. Our runner up, also Harry Potter themed, was created by Kaiya Mayich, Brynn Bennett, and Rachel and Emily Harry. Third Place was a tie between the Frindt (pirate theme) and Loyd (dinosaurs theme) families. It was exciting and thrilling to watch people laugh and dance the night away. We had so many people come through the doors of our church. We hope next year you will join us as it was just a blast for everyone.


Greetings from Twice Blessed Free Store and Story Church


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