Mission Outreach Events

Africa University Dorm Campaign

On Sunday, December 5, there will be a special presentation and giving opportunity to help build a new dorm for female students at Africa University. Because of the lack of on-campus housing, many students have to walk very far every day to attend classes. Female students walking to and from the University become targets for human trafficking and prostitution. A new dorm will allow students to stay on campus and receive an education in a safe environment. Watch for more information on this campaign.

Toy Sunday

Our annual Toy Sunday will be on Sunday, December 5. As has been a tradition in our church, Christmas gifts for disadvantaged children will be collected for distribution to several local charities including our own Twice Blessed Free Store. Please bring toys for children, ages infant to teen, unwrapped so that they can be matched to recipients. Amy Ruebsteck, ajrueb1993@gmail.com, is coordinating this event.