Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre

Hello Friends and Family of RRUMC,

As I put this article together, we just announced last Sunday that we are no longer requiring masks. We also announced that starting Sunday, July 4, all the social distancing markers will be coming down and we will be welcoming the parking lot service back into our Chapel at 8:30am every Sunday morning.

This whole pandemic started back in mid-March of 2020 and we are now in late June of 2021. Who would have thought that we would just now be getting back to some sense of normalcy?

All of this was running through my mind when I was doing my devotional for today. It had me read Acts 5:33-42. In that portion of Scripture, the religious authorities are trying to figure out what to do with the apostles that they have already arrested and beaten multiple times for proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that he brought into the world. They are once again jailed and the religious leaders are deciding between killing them and letting them go. Verses 38-39 say, “Let them go! If their plan or activity is of human origin, it will end in ruin. If it originates with God, you won’t be able to stop them.” Of course, all that the apostles were doing originated with God and, because of it, the Gospel of Jesus Christ moved from that point down through the annals of history right into the faith we have today.

This Scripture is exactly what I think of when I reflect back on all of the decisions, innovative ideas, new ways of doing ministry, worship services in the parking lot, online services, and communion in “to go” cups. Luke wrote that the religious leaders said if it originates with God, nothing can stop them. We worked so hard to stay connected to God, grounded on His call for our church, and following the “holy nudges” of the Holy Spirit.

I believe God blessed us in so many ways because everything we did originated with God. Our finances remained and remain strong. We welcomed 12 new members a few weeks ago and received 13 new young members through confirmation. We had 270 in worship last weekend.

Nothing can stop us if everything we do originates with God. All of our hard work originated with God. I cannot thank the amazing staff of RRUMC enough for the way that they stayed focused on God’s call on their life to help people keep meeting Jesus Christ in the midst of their story right in the midst of a pandemic. RRUMC, the staff of this church are true servants of God and, if I can use a term that has been used a whole lot in that last year or so, HEROES.

Thanks to each and every one of them. I am blessed to serve alongside all of them.

Peace and Blessings,
Rev. Dan