In-Person Worship Begins Sunday!

Rocky River United Methodist Church Covid 19 Policy and Procedures

INTRODUCTION: Covid 19 is a major worldwide epidemic that has caused significant health and health care problems and also major social and business disruptions.

The Health Ministry Team and the RRUMC leadership have been watching this situation and the responses by organized medicine and the government regarding public safety and activities. RRUMC did recommence in-person worship services after the State of Ohio approved doing so. This document was developed by the Health Ministry Team and the RRUMC leadership to set a plan and provide standards for in-person services. With case numbers and proper safety protocols always in flux, we will carefully monitor this situation and make changes in worship service and other church activities in timing and availability - increases or possible decreases - as the data analysis plus State of Ohio regulations indicates are either permitted or necessary. 

Taking all information into account the Health Ministry Team and the church leadership determined that RRUMC could resume church services with proper safety using carefully considered and planned church function updates and changes. Thus, through multiple discussions, several updates and changes in how worship services will be conducted are being implemented. We do, however, also recognize that we cannot create a situation that is absolutely safe from any possibility of Covid 19 transmission to a person attending RRUMC. The church has, with great thought, developed a plan that carefully does focus on the safety of all who come to RRUMC. The plan was developed to provide the most meaningful worship experience within the boundaries imposed by the safety necessities. For the best chance of preventing transmission of Covid 19 to anyone attending services at RRUMC, it is important for all RRUMC attendees to follow the safety standards and functions as presented in this document. 

To incorporate the most effective safety principles in our policies and procedures for RRUMC to function, we used the guidelines published by:

RRUMC clearly understands that some people still have significant concerns about participating in gatherings. We want people to feel comfortable. If you feel more comfortable staying at home for now, please do so. Alternatives for in-person worship currently being offered include an 8:30 AM parking lot service (great for Chapel Service frequenters) and streaming the 11:30 AM Harbor Service on the church website.


The 10:00 AM Sanctuary Service and the 11:30 AM Harbor Service are both currently in-person. Information about safety protocols and what to expect is listed below.

Youth and children in-person Sunday school is being offered during both the 10:00 AM Sanctuary Service and the 11:30 AM Harbor Service with proper social distancing and masks required.

The church nursery is open for infants and toddlers during both the 10:00 AM Sanctuary Service and the 11:30 AM Harbor Service

However, if you are not feeling well you should stay at home or possibly seek medical attention.

RRUMC is implementing worship function changes that fall into three categories as follows: 

  1. Practices to enhance safety for those coming to RRUMC

  2. Process for pedestrian traffic flow in the church

  3. Other information regarding the Covid 19 safety plan.

The information for these three categories is listed below.

Practices to enhance safety for those coming to RRUMC

  1. Maintain safe social distancing

    1. socializing

      1. please refrain from lingering to socialize inside the church - before or after the service

    2. seating inside worship spaces

      1. in the sanctuary, avoid those pews that are “roped off” to ensure proper distancing while seated

      2. in the Harbor Service, sit only with your own family members in a cluster of seats appropriate for the size of your family unit to ensure proper distancing while seated

    3. when inside the church – maintain 6 foot distancing

      1. during interaction with those outside your family

      2. during interaction with the clergy

  2. Masks required

  3. Hand sanitizer provided

    1. available at multiple locations inside the church

    2. use as appropriate but specifically before and after stairway use

  4. Worshippers must be asymptomatic

  5. Greeters/ushers – will direct traffic flow in the church and show worshippers to their seats

  6. Offering – a collection basket will be available on departure from sanctuary

  7. Rest rooms – will be available, please social distance

  8. Necessary distancing for safety will create some limitation of seating in the sanctuary

  1. Process for pedestrian traffic flow in the church

    1. No unnecessary traffic flow during the services

    2. Traffic flow process

      1. strive for expeditious movement throughout church entry/exit process

      2. upon entering church

        1. mask required

        2. RRUMC Covid liability statement provided (view document here)

      3. proceed directly to worship space while maintaining social distancing

  2. Other information regarding the Covid 19 safety plan

    1. Attendance records – these are important for possible future contact tracing. Worshippers will be provided with a card upon which they are to record their name and their contact information. These cards are to be placed in a designated basket as the worshipper exits the service. These records will only accessed if needed for contact tracing. Otherwise they will be disposed of.

    2. Church cleaning – the church’s focus on safety for all will also be practiced by specific cleaning after each worship service.

We are very respectfully asking anyone who develops (or a family member develops) signs or symptoms of having a Covid 19 virus infection to notify the church by telephone call (number is 440-331-7676). 

If a person is not there to answer at that time please leave a message. The messages are checked multiple times each day. The church will keep this information strictly confidential. This information and associated records will be kept on file in the church office and used only to communicate with those possibly affected during their worship experience. The name of the church attendee with the possible Covid 19 infection will not in any way be identified or released. We are only asking for this information to make every attempt to be safe and helpful in a Christ like manner. Thank you in advance for your consideration and cooperation in this process.