Greetings Church Family,
We are less than two weeks into this new model of doing church, and certainly church is only one aspect of many in your lives that have been dramatically altered as a result of Coronavirus concerns.
I have been greatly encouraged by the number of folks from this church family who have been able to make room amidst their own concerns to reach out to the church in search of ways to care for and support others whose circumstances may be more difficult than their own. A number of volunteers have made “check in” calls to those from our church family who are particularly at risk right now to encourage them and offer assistance. I have a lengthy list of folks who have offered to provide such assistance as needs do arise. Please do contact me if you or someone you know could use help in any way as we navigate the trials before us together as a church family.
We will continue to discern new and creative ways to serve and care for those within our church family and community as needs arise in the days ahead. For now, I want to share a few opportunities for care and connection that have developed amid this Coronavirus crisis:
While many service agencies have shut down for valid reasons, the Cleveland Foodbank continues to strive to fulfill its commitments to provide for those with needs, and their efforts have only expanded as a result of the Coronavirus impact. I strongly discourage (as does the Foodbank itself) anyone who is highly “at risk”, or in regular contact with those who are, from volunteering right now. And all of us need to be very discerning and take every possible precaution before virtually every engagement outside the home. However, as you feel comfortable in doing so, the Foodbank welcomes your assistance.
Many of our groups and committees have transitioned to virtual meetings or are in the process of doing so. This may help some who saw their Lent studies cut short or discipleship groups temporarily disband find new means of continuing those experiences. For those whose groups will not continue in this manner, and for others who may desire a new way to engage their faith and God’s Word during this time, the church will begin releasing a regular podcast. We intend to post the first session to the church website on Wednesday, March 24, and the first several sessions will focus on Bible passages that comprise the core of our Lenten journey. Opportunity to comment with your own observations and discuss the podcast will be provided to help you continue to engage with members of your church family around God’s Holy Word.
The list of those who have seen their daily lives massively overhauled and their needs and stressors multiplied in the past several weeks is long and diverse, and increasing by the day. As a church, we strive to serve the needs of all, but one particular group of individuals who are on the front lines of the struggle against the spread of the Coronavirus right now, and who have a unique set of needs, are our healthcare workers. Some actually have no work right now as any “non-essential” health practices and procedures have been put on pause. Others who continue to fill their typical roles are on heightened alert, bearing the anxieties of all around them and preparing for a potential period of “All hands on deck” that may be forthcoming. Some are working extra hours and bearing additional stress all while trying to care for families while kids are out of school. As a church, we have an opportunity to express our appreciation for these individuals and support them in this unique time:
I invite you to write a letter of encouragement and affirmation to a generic “healthcare worker” that will then be duplicated and shared with all such individuals who are part of our church family. It need not be lengthy or involved. Positive stories you’ve encountered with regard to our current circumstances might be included as sources of hope, and direct words of encouragement for stressful times ahead would certainly be appreciated. My sister, who is an RN in an emergency department, shared with me how encouraging it was to hear of a local dentist office that had closed bringing masks and other medical equipment to donate to a nearby hospital to aid them in their efforts of caring for a potential influx of Coronavirus patients. Simply email these letters to my email address – – and the church staff will distribute them to the appropriate people.
An additional gesture of support for those on the front lines of our community’s healthcare efforts right now would be the gift of an eGift Card. A gift card for a restaurant delivery service such as Grubhub or DoorDash could be especially useful right now, as would a gift card to a coffee shop with drive thru services, a grocery delivery service, or a gas station. These are some suggestions, but feel free to brainstorm other options as well. You may get gift cards to me by whatever means is most convenient for you. However,, provides an easy way to purchase a gift card and email it to a recipient. In this case, you would enter “Rocky River UMC” when asked for “recipient’s full name” and enter my email address, The church staff will then distribute the gift cards evenly amongst those healthcare workers from our church family who are particularly affected by the Coronavirus crisis.
Please be encouraged to include your name on email letters or gift cards so that recipients will have means of making a connection with you and expressing appreciation in due time.
Also, please email me with names of all relevant healthcare workers from our church family so that I can ensure no one is left out.
Also, reach out to me with questions as I know logistics may prove confusing. When you are ready to send me your email letter and/or gift card, please know that I will be diligent to the task of following this project through to completion.
I may not be able to respond in length to all emails, but I greatly appreciate your efforts and tremendous support of your brothers and sisters in Christ during these difficult times.
With you in ministry,
Pastor Paul