Important Cancellations


As all of you are aware of by now, Governor DeWine has banned all gatherings of groups larger than 100 people. Even though it does not apply to religious organizations, we feel that for the health, safety, and well-being of our church family members, it is best for us to cancel all church services Sunday, March 29, 2020. I have discussed it with our staff leadership along with the pastors at Strongsville UMC and Garfield Memorial UMC. Both of those churches are similar to us in size. What we have decided to do is invite everyone to stream our live worship experience at 11:25am. There will be music, prayer, Scripture, and the weekly sermon. Both Strongsville and Garfield Memorial are doing the exact same thing we are doing.


In consideration of recent guidance from the CDC to recommend that people not gather in groups of 10 or more, Rev. Dan, Pastor Paul and Dave Huller (Administrative Council Chair) have conferred and wish to convey the following guidelines for RRUMC. All small group meetings at RRUMC – Bible studies, church committee meetings, etc., are suspended indefinitely. There are no exceptions. We encourage small groups to explore electronic options in order to still be in contact with each other without meeting face to face. The “Zoom app” on your smart phone or computers is an option that many are already using. It is free. Please visit our church website for updates. We appreciate all of your patience and understanding as we continue to trust in God’s grace as we navigate these unchartered waters.


As you know, RRUMC functions and its amazing staff earn their living completely based on your faithful giving and generosity. Please continue to financially support the church as we go through these unchartered waters together. You can do that electronically on our website ( Please just click on the “GIVING” tab in the upper right hand corner or mail your financial support through the US Postal Service.


Please know that your church staff will continue to operate status quo as much as possible despite the many cancellations of church ministry events and worship services. Knowing that, we are here to meet both seen and unforeseen needs that might arise for you as we navigate these unchartered waters. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

****Please check back to often for updates

In the wake of the Coronavirus, RRUMC is following the recommendations of the state, local, and federal health officials and their recommendations to limit as many large group gatherings as possible. Below are listed the cancellations and suspensions of some current and upcoming church events and ministries outside of regular services. Please continue to visit our website for ongoing updates, changes, and cancellations.