Dear Friends and Family of RRUMC,
In the Gospel of John Jesus says this in chapter 14 verse 12, “Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father.”
That verse is one of my life verses. It is one I lean on, go to, and try to live into on a daily basis.
It says so much in just one verse. If I believe? I do believe. We believe, as RRUMC, in Jesus Christ as God’s one and only Son. Since we do believe that, it means something very important for our lives.
We are supposed to be doing the works that He did. Jesus does not stop there. He says that we are not only to do the works that he did, but we are called to do greater works than he did. Why?
We are to do it because He is going to be with the Father. While He is no longer physically here on this earth, we are called to go in His place to a lost and hurting world AND BE GREAT.
That sounds like quite a daunting task. Jesus would not call us to be great in the world for Him if He were not going to go with us. That is how we do it. We do it with Him.
At RRUMC we do it through our mission and vision statement. “It’s all about the story: we exist to help people meet Jesus Christ in the midst of their story.” God uses us to be great and it gets filtered through that powerful statement. We cannot do it alone. We need all of us working together toward that common goal. We support God’s call to be great at RRUMC as we support it prayerfully, spiritually, physically and yes, financially.
The great thing about the way we do it here is that it is done as worship. Giving is a spiritual act. We do not give to a budget at RRUMC. The amount that we decide as a church to give to the mission and vision becomes our budget for the coming year.
That is why we always want giving to be a spiritual and worshipful act. Let this question be your guide for 2020. What is God calling me to give to the mission and vision at RRUMC?
When you approach giving that way, I know that we will not only do the works that Jesus has done, but we can and will do even greater things. He has called us to do that, and since He called us to do that, He will provide for the great works He has planned in 2020.
Sunday, November 10th is Consecration Sunday. On that day, as a part of our worship, we will answer that powerful question together. Please come to either one of our worship services that Sunday (8:30am Chapel Service or 10:30am combined Harbor/Sanctuary Service in the Sanctuary).
Immediately following the 10:30am service, we invite everyone to a Church Family and Friends Coffee Hour. There we will have a chance to talk, share, and fellowship as one church family.
Please plan on attending on Consecration Sunday and be part of Jesus calling us to do greater things than he had ever done.
May God bless and keep you.
His, Rev. Dan
If you are unable to attend Consecration Sunday but feel moved to give, we invite you to donate safely and securely online.