Whirlwind... God In The Midst of It
In light of the recent events in our world and in our country, I feel as though God is trying to speak louder to a hurting world than he has ever done before. My mind, heart and soul are all racing about hurricanes, kneeling and not kneeling, and Las Vegas and how we find God in the midst of it all. As a church we cannot just bury our heads in the sand and act like we are an isolated bubble not called to speak the word of God to a broken world. The word of God can and should be a word that draws people together for a common outcome that lines up with God’s will. This sermon series is not a political stance one way or another. It is a sermon series of a God who is right in the midst of the whirlwind of our world right here and now. The whirlwind may never go away so it is now more important than ever to find God in the midst of it.