What would you lay at the foot of the cross this year? Jesus died on the cross so that your sins would be burned and cast away so that you can live a life of abundance.
Jesus says he's the living water and his water will well up within us and it never ends. How can we give that living water away to others who are dying of thirst?
You get to decide how you handle frustration in life. Do you want to go through it alone or do you want to do it with God at your side and maybe at times, even carrying you?
Do you look at God as a vending machine that will give you something, or is God going to be something for you, to make you more of what he created you to be?
Even in 2021 it is still good news but it is up to us to say yes to it and receive it. What do you do with the gift of our Savior that God sent in your life?