Entering the Passion of Jesus: There Comes a Time

We are all familiar with “Turn the other cheek” in the Bible.

It is a verse that tells us when someone strikes us on one cheek, instead of getting angry and looking for revenge and retribution, we should simply offer up the other cheek.

However, THERE COMES A TIME when righteous anger will well up within us. Jesus showed us that righteous anger when he entered the Temple in our text from today.

There comes a time when we should be angered at what we see or don’t see. In today’s message we will talk about those times in our lives when THERE COME A TIME to be angry.

Join us in-person at 10am or 11:25am, in your cars at 8:30am or from home!


Entering the Passion of Jesus: You Want the Truth?


Entering the Passion of Jesus: Let Lent Do Its Work