Entering the Passion of Jesus: Let Lent Do Its Work

First Sunday in Lent, Rev. Dan Bogre will begin the Lenten sermon series “Entering the Passion of Jesus” with the sermon “Let Lent Do Its Work” based on Matthew 21:1-11.

Too many times it seems as though there is just a blink of an eye from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. The seven days from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday go even faster.

I say time and time again that if you go from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday without experiencing the Passion of Jesus Christ throughout Holy Week, you have missed the most important part.

Did you go pray with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane? Were you there when he was arrested? Did you watch him breathe his last on the Cross of Good Friday?

If you fly through Lent and skip Holy Week all together Lent cannot do its work in your life. This year especially, will you let Lent do its work on you, in you, and through you?

Join us in-person at 10am or 11:25am, in your cars at 8:30am or from home!