Seven-Mile Miracle: Mile 6: Triumph

Join us on Palm Sunday, April 5 as Reverend Dan Bogre preaches from Matthew 21:1-11 and John 19:30.

To non-believers and to the devil on the day of Jesus’ crucifixion, it looked as though Jesus had been defeated.

Just as Jesus triumphantly rides into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, so too do the words he speaks today resonate with the victory he brings.

In these words today Jesus simply says, “It is finished.”

Jesus decided when it was finished. Jesus decided what was finished. Jesus decided how it was finished.

However, the most important part of today’s message is WHAT was finished?

This Sunday is all about what Jesus FINISHED in the world so that our eternal lives can finally START.

Jesus won the victory and yet we are the ones who get to wear that crown now and for all eternity.


Seven-Mile Miracle: I Don’t Want to Go There


Seven-Mile Miracle: Mile Marker 5: Distress