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Online Bible Study for Women

Many women know Psalm 23 by heart but haven't experienced its power in their lives. “Psalm 23, The Shepherd With Me” by Jennifer Rothschild provides fresh insight and encouragement from Psalm 23.

This Bible study will challenge you, comfort you, and clarify something about God or yourself that will help you know Him better and love Him more. We will explore the depths of God's compassionate care while exposing the self-reliance myth.

Learn how your vulnerability is not a liability because you can trust the Shepherd's goodness throughout each season of life - especially here and now in 2020.

The Psalm 23 study begins Wednesday, September 23 and runs thru early November. An online format will be used for this Bible Study so there is no set meeting time.

One chapter of the book will be reviewed each week with additional insights from group leader, Barb Napier. The group will have opportunity to exchange thoughts and/or discuss questions via email.

To register or for questions contact Barb Napier at or 440.356.1604.

This Bible Study is open to all women. To share this study with a friend, please send their email address.

Note: Workbooks are optional. If you would like your own copy, it can be ordered online.

September 22

Men's Prayer Group

September 23

Anti-Racism Study and Discussion Group