Disciple IV
Disciple IV is a 32-week study that concentrates on Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, James, Jude, and finally Revelation, one of the most colorful and symbolic books in the Bible.

Men’s Prayer Group
All men are invited to join us for coffee, conversation, and prayer on Tuesdays at 7:30am at the church.

Thursday Morning Breakfast Group at Joe’s Deli
Join us for a powerful breakfast with fun and fellowship at Joe’s Deli!

Genesis to Revelation - Huller Bible Study
Genesis to Revelation is a year-round study designed to meet the needs of those with a busy life and requiring great flexibility.

Disciple IV
Disciple IV is a 32-week study that concentrates on Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, James, Jude, and finally Revelation, one of the most colorful and symbolic books in the Bible.

Men’s Prayer Group
All men are invited to join us for coffee, conversation, and prayer on Tuesdays at 7:30am at the church.

Thursday Morning Breakfast Group at Joe’s Deli
Join us for a powerful breakfast with fun and fellowship at Joe’s Deli!

Genesis to Revelation - Huller Bible Study
Genesis to Revelation is a year-round study designed to meet the needs of those with a busy life and requiring great flexibility.

Disciple IV
Disciple IV is a 32-week study that concentrates on Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, James, Jude, and finally Revelation, one of the most colorful and symbolic books in the Bible.

Caregivers Support Group
Our caregiver support group offers you a confidential space to unload the caregiver burden and resolve issues of guilt and compassion fatigue.

Men’s Prayer Group
All men are invited to join us for coffee, conversation, and prayer on Tuesdays at 7:30am at the church.

Thursday Morning Breakfast Group at Joe’s Deli
Join us for a powerful breakfast with fun and fellowship at Joe’s Deli!

Book Club
Join us for a friendly discussion of a book selected by group members on a monthly basis.

Genesis to Revelation - Huller Bible Study
Genesis to Revelation is a year-round study designed to meet the needs of those with a busy life and requiring great flexibility.

Disciple IV
Disciple IV is a 32-week study that concentrates on Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, James, Jude, and finally Revelation, one of the most colorful and symbolic books in the Bible.

Men’s Prayer Group
All men are invited to join us for coffee, conversation, and prayer on Tuesdays at 7:30am at the church.

Thursday Morning Breakfast Group at Joe’s Deli
Join us for a powerful breakfast with fun and fellowship at Joe’s Deli!

Lydia Circle United Women in Faith
Lydia Circle is a United Methodist Women Group which always welcomes new members.

Genesis to Revelation - Huller Bible Study
Genesis to Revelation is a year-round study designed to meet the needs of those with a busy life and requiring great flexibility.

LGBTQA+ Support Group
The LGBTQA+ Support Group for LGBTQA+, their family, and friends, will meet in a safe, confidential space to express joys and concerns.

Disciple IV
Disciple IV is a 32-week study that concentrates on Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, James, Jude, and finally Revelation, one of the most colorful and symbolic books in the Bible.

Men’s Prayer Group
All men are invited to join us for coffee, conversation, and prayer on Tuesdays at 7:30am at the church.

Thursday Morning Breakfast Group at Joe’s Deli
Join us for a powerful breakfast with fun and fellowship at Joe’s Deli!

Disciple IV
Disciple IV is a 32-week study that concentrates on Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, James, Jude, and finally Revelation, one of the most colorful and symbolic books in the Bible.

Thursday Morning Breakfast Group at Joe’s Deli
Join us for a powerful breakfast with fun and fellowship at Joe’s Deli!

Disciple IV
Disciple IV is a 32-week study that concentrates on Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, James, Jude, and finally Revelation, one of the most colorful and symbolic books in the Bible.

Ladies in Faith Together
In this eight-session series, we learn how to find comfort in any situation based on this songbook of the people of God.

Thursday Morning Breakfast Group at Joe’s Deli
Join us for a powerful breakfast with fun and fellowship at Joe’s Deli!

Book Club
Join us for a friendly discussion of a book selected by group members on a monthly basis.

Disciple IV
Disciple IV is a 32-week study that concentrates on Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, James, Jude, and finally Revelation, one of the most colorful and symbolic books in the Bible.

Ladies in Faith Together
In this eight-session series, we learn how to find comfort in any situation based on this songbook of the people of God.

Administrative Council
Ad Council is the governing body of the church and meets every other month to conduct the church's official business.

Thursday Morning Breakfast Group at Joe’s Deli
Join us for a powerful breakfast with fun and fellowship at Joe’s Deli!

LGBTQA+ Support Group
The LGBTQA+ Support Group for LGBTQA+, their family, and friends, will meet in a safe, confidential space to express joys and concerns.

Ladies in Faith Together
In this eight-session series, we learn how to find comfort in any situation based on this songbook of the people of God.

Ladies in Faith Together
In this eight-session series, we learn how to find comfort in any situation based on this songbook of the people of God.

Ladies in Faith Together
In this eight-session series, we learn how to find comfort in any situation based on this songbook of the people of God.

Lydia Circle United Women in Faith
Lydia Circle is a United Methodist Women Group which always welcomes new members.

Ladies in Faith Together
In this eight-session series, we learn how to find comfort in any situation based on this songbook of the people of God.

Book Club
Join us for a friendly discussion of a book selected by group members on a monthly basis.

LGBTQA+ Support Group
The LGBTQA+ Support Group for LGBTQA+, their family, and friends, will meet in a safe, confidential space to express joys and concerns.

Administrative Council
Ad Council is the governing body of the church and meets every other month to conduct the church's official business.

Book Club
Join us for a friendly discussion of a book selected by group members on a monthly basis.

LGBTQA+ Support Group
The LGBTQA+ Support Group for LGBTQA+, their family, and friends, will meet in a safe, confidential space to express joys and concerns.

Book Club
Join us for a friendly discussion of a book selected by group members on a monthly basis.

LGBTQA+ Support Group
The LGBTQA+ Support Group for LGBTQA+, their family, and friends, will meet in a safe, confidential space to express joys and concerns.

LGBTQA+ Support Group
The LGBTQA+ Support Group for LGBTQA+, their family, and friends, will meet in a safe, confidential space to express joys and concerns.

Genesis to Revelation - Huller Bible Study
Genesis to Revelation is a year-round study designed to meet the needs of those with a busy life and requiring great flexibility.

Lydia Circle United Women in Faith
Lydia Circle is a United Methodist Women Group which always welcomes new members.

Thursday Morning Breakfast Group at Joe’s Deli
Join us for a powerful breakfast with fun and fellowship at Joe’s Deli!

Empty Nest Euchre Group
The purpose of the Empty Nest Group is fairly simple, to provide that support and opportunity to venture into new friendships within the context of regular Euchre nights held at RRUMC.

Men’s Prayer Group
All men are invited to join us for coffee, conversation, and prayer on Tuesdays at 7:30am at the church.

Disciple IV
Disciple IV is a 32-week study that concentrates on Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, James, Jude, and finally Revelation, one of the most colorful and symbolic books in the Bible.

Genesis to Revelation - Huller Bible Study
Genesis to Revelation is a year-round study designed to meet the needs of those with a busy life and requiring great flexibility.

Book Club
Join us for a friendly discussion of a book selected by group members on a monthly basis.

Thursday Morning Breakfast Group at Joe’s Deli
Join us for a powerful breakfast with fun and fellowship at Joe’s Deli!

Administrative Council
Ad Council is the governing body of the church and meets every other month to conduct the church's official business.

Men’s Prayer Group
All men are invited to join us for coffee, conversation, and prayer on Tuesdays at 7:30am at the church.

Disciple IV
Disciple IV is a 32-week study that concentrates on Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, James, Jude, and finally Revelation, one of the most colorful and symbolic books in the Bible.

Genesis to Revelation - Huller Bible Study
Genesis to Revelation is a year-round study designed to meet the needs of those with a busy life and requiring great flexibility.

Thursday Morning Breakfast Group at Joe’s Deli
Join us for a powerful breakfast with fun and fellowship at Joe’s Deli!

Empty Nest Euchre Group
The purpose of the Empty Nest Group is fairly simple, to provide that support and opportunity to venture into new friendships within the context of regular Euchre nights held at RRUMC.

Men’s Prayer Group
All men are invited to join us for coffee, conversation, and prayer on Tuesdays at 7:30am at the church.

Disciple IV is a 32-week study that concentrates on Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, James, Jude, and finally Revelation, one of the most colorful and symbolic books in the Bible.

Caregivers Support Group
Our caregiver support group offers you a confidential space to unload the caregiver burden and resolve issues of guilt and compassion fatigue.

CANCELED: Genesis to Revelation - Huller Bible Study
Genesis to Revelation is a year-round study designed to meet the needs of those with a busy life and requiring great flexibility.

Thursday Morning Breakfast Group at Joe’s Deli
Join us for a powerful breakfast with fun and fellowship at Joe’s Deli!

Men’s Prayer Group
All men are invited to join us for coffee, conversation, and prayer on Tuesdays at 7:30am at the church.

Disciple IV
Disciple IV is a 32-week study that concentrates on Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, James, Jude, and finally Revelation, one of the most colorful and symbolic books in the Bible.

Genesis to Revelation - Huller Bible Study
Genesis to Revelation is a year-round study designed to meet the needs of those with a busy life and requiring great flexibility.

Lydia Circle United Women in Faith
Lydia Circle is a United Methodist Women Group which always welcomes new members.

Thursday Morning Breakfast Group at Joe’s Deli
Join us for a powerful breakfast with fun and fellowship at Joe’s Deli!

Empty Nest Euchre Group
The purpose of the Empty Nest Group is fairly simple, to provide that support and opportunity to venture into new friendships within the context of regular Euchre nights held at RRUMC.

Men’s Prayer Group
All men are invited to join us for coffee, conversation, and prayer on Tuesdays at 7:30am at the church.

Disciple IV
Disciple IV is a 32-week study that concentrates on Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, James, Jude, and finally Revelation, one of the most colorful and symbolic books in the Bible.

Cooking with Christ - The Morning Edition
We will be making our foods from what was available during biblical times. Classes will be on Mondays from 10-11:30am, from January 27 through February 24 (no class on February 17).