Trees: Lock Eyes

When two people’s eyes meet it can be a very powerful thing depending on the circumstances. After Peter denies Jesus a third time in Luke 22, Jesus turned and looked straight at Peter. When their eyes met Peter remembered Jesus predicted he would deny him.

When their eyes met Peter remembered and wept bitterly. In our text today Jesus’ and Zacchaeus’ meet while Zacchaeus is in his tree. He was noticed. Jesus, in the midst of that crowd, saw Zacchaeus. He made sure their eyes met. His life started to change at that very moment. Jesus was intentional about where he looked and about making sure that Zacchaeus knew that Jesus saw him.

Last week we were learning to look up.

This week is about what we must do to LOCK EYES so the person knows that they are known. How can we intentionally engage those in the trees in our lives?