Because of Bethlehem: Every Heart a Manger

Join us on Christmas Eve as Rev. Dan Bogre preaches at 3pm, 8pm and 11pm from Luke 2:1-20. There will also be a family service at 5pm where all children are invited to participate!

I wonder what that animal stable smelled like that night that Jesus was born. I have been to the county fair and I know what the cow barn smells like.

Was that the smell? Was that the clientele that had gathered to witness this life-changing moment in time?

Does our life stink sometimes? Do we have less than desirable people around us in our inner circle?

Have our lives had doors slammed on them like Mary and Joseph had experienced with the inn keeper?

I guess our lives are much like the stable in which Jesus was born.

I guess that might mean that my heart can be the stable Jesus will be born into this year.


Because of Bethlehem: Immediately!


Because of Bethlehem: A Christmas Search AND Rescue