Because of Bethlehem: A Christmas Search AND Rescue

Join us on December 22 as Rev. Dan Bogre preaches from 1 John 4:7-12, Romans 5:6-11.

Christmas is almost here. God sent his one and only son not because we wanted him too, but because that is exactly what we needed.

We needed Jesus to be sent into our world on a search AND rescue mission.

He came into this world to search for you. He knows where to find you and he knows all the places you will go to in order to hide from him.

He also came into this world to rescue you.

This is a two part Savior that comes to us that first Christmas night. He is on a search AND rescue mission.

May he not only find you but may he also save you.


Because of Bethlehem: Every Heart a Manger


Because of Bethlehem: God Guides the Wise