Children's Ministries
by Quinn Bennett at
Vacation Bible School - Volunteering
We need your help in so many different ways to make Vacation Bible School a success. From volunteers during the week to help behind the scenes, anything you can do to help out is appreciated. To help, follow the link below for what you would like to do:
Adults or youth willing to volunteer during the week of VBS, please go to:
To help out putting together decorations at home, please sign up.
To help out with setup or teardown please sign up
Vacation Bible School Registration - begins Monday, April 1
Vacation Bible School is here! Sign-ups begin April 1 at 7:00am. Your kids will experience Christ through science, worship, play, and Scripture. Everything at VBS is hands-on learning.
Who: Anyone 5 years old thru 6th grade
When: June 24-28, 9:00am-12:00pm
Where: Rocky River UMC
How much: $65 per child, 3 or more $175
If your child is in 6th grade, they will get the unique experience of being both a kid and a counselor-in-training. They will be placed with a veteran counselor to help them learn what it looks like to have those responsibilities while also still enjoying their last year in VBS. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Sign up online. We look forward to seeing you there!
Vacation Bible School - Donations
It is that time of the year again when we start collecting things needed for Vacation Bible School! This year’s theme is “Scuba: Diving into Friendship with God” and we will be under water this year. Thank you to those who donated when our tables were up at church in March. Amazon donations are still needed. Anything you order will be sent directly to the church. Please make sure you press “add item” from the wish list so that it takes it off the list when it is bought. Thank you! Monetary donations are accepted as well.
Questions on any of these items? Contact Quinn Bennett at
Mission Possible
Come join us on Sunday, April 28 (note date has changed from original Children’s Ministry schedule) at 4:00pm to make jump ropes to go into Operation Christmas Child boxes. We are joining forces with another church who does hundreds of boxes and help fill some of them with a homemade jump rope. All ages are wanted and needed for this project. What should you bring? Just yourself and a pair of fabric scissors if you have them! Any questions, please contact Quinn at