Nursery School News

by Aaryn Holland & Margery Wanosik, Co-Directors

Hello Rocky River United Methodist Congregation,

The Nursery School welcomed in special guests last month for a patriotic program honoring America. The PreK students worked very hard on the Pledge of Allegiance and Yankee Doodle Boy to prepare. The show was a great success complete with putting “feathers in their hats” in sync with the song! The 3s children are starting to catch up to their PreK peers with some of them growing so much they are the same height as some of the older kiddos. The Pre3 students will soon begin their guest reader program again. They get so excited when they see their mother or father walk through the classroom door to read - it's very cute to witness. Spring break falls quite early this year as Easter falls on the last day of the month. The children get a week off plus one extra day for the eclipse that is slated to occur on April 8 this year. Spring will be in the air upon their return and the hallways will soon fill up with springy art projects and thoughts of warmer weather. For now, we will continue to teach our Letter of the Week and work towards warmer days dreaming of seeing the blue sky and feeling the warmth of the wonderful sun.


Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre


Twice Blessed Free Store and Story Church