Taking Christ Out of Christmas

There will just be one 10:00a Combined Worship Service in the Sanctuary on Sunday, December 26 (8:30, 10:00, 11:30 Services combined into one service)

This might be a bit jarring the morning after Christmas but here’s our rally cry for today. We all need to devote ourselves 100% to taking Christ out of Christmas this year. No, I don’t mean removing Him from the occasion, I mean keeping Him with us as we emerge from the holiday.

As tantalizing as all the hoopla that has evolved around Christmas is, the only thing that truly matters is that Christ, our Emmanuel, our Savior, has come down to earth. In our passage today, Simeon models this principle beautifully through his role in the first Christmas.

Even the shepherds and magi were on top of their game. What about us? Will you take Christ (with you) out of Christmas this year?