Flawed But Faithful: From Cowardice to Courage

Join us on April 7 as Rev. Dan Bogre preaches from John 21:12, 15-17 and we celebrate Membership Sunday.

And at the 10:00am Sanctuary Service the Chancel Choir and RRUMC Octet will present Camille Saint-Seans’ Requiem Mass. Widely considered as one of the greatest settings of the Latin requiem mass text, this work is a beautiful marriage of Saint-Seans’ gifts at both choral and orchestral writing.

If you were a fan of the Mozart or Faure Requiem presented in recent years, you will love this piece!

We hope you will celebrate our newest church members and this fifth Sunday in Lent as we prepare for Easter together.


Flawed But Faithful: The Rest of the Story


Flawed But Faithful: I Will Not Deny You