We Charge Others

Jumpstart Sermon Series

September 30th, 2018

Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost.

Reverend Dan is preaching.

Act 2:42-47

There is power in the “We.” There is power in the “We” when there is
purpose behind the power. I know that God can use me for good things in the world but I know that God can do far more with a whole church that is charged with the power of his son, Jesus Christ, working hand in hand with the Holy Spirit.

The text today shows us what can happen when “WE” come together behind the one purpose of serving and showing Jesus Christ in the world by what we do. There are a lot of people and groups that have energy, but we are called to have power.

At RRUMC we are charged so that we may charge others.


Sermon Series - Finding Joy: October 7 - November 11, 2018


I Charge Others