Upside Down: Beginning at the End

Join us this first Sunday in the New Year as we celebrate Epiphany with Pastor Paul Bennett’s sermon, “Upside Down: Beginning at the End” from Isaiah 53:1-6.

The prophet Isaiah introduces us to a Messiah who was everything no one expected him to be, and thus was sweepingly rejected both in life and in death.

Christ’s primary purpose for taking on human flesh was to see that flesh one day mutilated by the ones He came to save.

Our sin had us helplessly entangled, so Jesus came to die to free us from its grasp. If this was Jesus’ ultimate mission, then it follows that it should also be the starting point of our journey to understand His mission.

As His proclaimed followers, are we finally ready to embrace the true Jesus that so many before us have shunned?


Upside Down... And Out


Treasure All These Things