A Man Without A Name

December 3: First Sunday of Advent - Lighting the candle of HOPE

Communion Sunday

2017 Advent Series

Rev. Dan is preaching.

Matthew 13:53-58

In the text today from Matthew, the people don’t even mention Joseph’s name.

They just ask, “Isn’t he the carpenter’s son?”  They do not call him Joseph. They just call him the carpenter. Is that what that community thought of Joseph? Did Joseph let the views of others shape the view he had of himself or was he able to remain faithful to God and to the call God gave him to raise his son? We live in a world today where social media can paint quite a picture of each of us whether that picture is the truth or not. Do we allow the views of others to compromise the people that God created us to be as we live FAITHFUL?


Should I Stay Or Should I Go?


Advent Sermon Series - Faithful: Advent Through the Eyes of Joseph