Your children are welcome to remain in service or to attend Sunday School (10:00 and 11:30 services only). They will be dismissed during the service and can be picked up from Quinn Bennett (Director of Children’s Ministries) in the children’s wing after the service. Follow the signs to the Chapel. The wing is directly across.
Youth (6th grade or older) are invited to the Youth Room (10:00 and 11:30 only) on the lower level and are dismissed by Steven Young (Director of Youth Ministries) at the end of the service.
The Nursery is available for children up to 3 years of age.
All youth and children remain in worship on the first Sunday of each month to participate in communion with their families.
Greeters or ushers will be happy to direct you to these locations and/or you can use the directional signs around the building. Please click here to navigate to the church’s website.
First Time Guest click here
Returning guests or members click here