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Join us July 8 & 22 and August 12 & 26 (2nd and 4th Wednesdays of July and August) as we embark on a new format to accommodate limitations imposed by the coronavirus pandemic.
5:30 PM – Parking lot opens for staging and directions to destination.
6:00 PM – Cars depart for a fun destination! (burger joint, ice cream stand, park, etc.) Destinations will be announced the prior week and printed directions will be provided at the cruise.
Cruisers travel at their own pace, pay for their own food and beverage at the destination, and keep enjoying the collector car hobby with others!
Rain or Shine Cruises – you make the call to participate or not if weather is “iffy”.
No one is more disappointed than the staff and members of Rocky River United Methodist Church about having to alter the format of Cruisin’ River for 2020.