Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre

Dear Friends and Family of RRUMC,

It’s almost here!!! Consecration Sunday is almost here! I started to talk about it in my last Circuit Rider article to open our hearts and minds to the prayers and conversations we would be having with God as we lead into that incredible Sunday of celebration of GIVING and RECEIVING. I use both of those terms because we are blessed to experience both on that Sunday.

Consecration Sunday is on November 10. Please join us for worship on November 10, either at the 8:30am Chapel Service or at the 10:00am combined Harbor/Sanctuary Service. It is at those two services that we will all have the opportunity to bring forward our “Estimate of Giving” cards that will have the financial number that God has placed on each of our hearts following our prayerful conversations with God about what He is calling us to give to the mission and ministries of RRUMC in 2025. Deuteronomy 15:10 says, “You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake.” We want everyone to give freely and with a joyful heart so that RRUMC will be blessed in all our work and in all that we undertake in 2025. That is the receiving part that I mentioned above. It is about what the church will receive for 2025 because of your amazing faithfulness and generosity. Thank you in advance for all of your prayers and conversations with God and with your family as you look at 2025 in our church and what God is calling you to give.

The giving part of what I said earlier is what happens after the morning worship services have finished. We are asking you to please lend a hand as we make our way to Beacon Hall to pack just over 30,000 meals for people in need around the world. RRUMC decided last year that we should not just receive on Consecration Sunday, but we felt God was also calling us to give. Last year we had over 200 of you volunteer and we finished packing 10,000 meals in no time. On November 10, let’s not just receive but let’s also give in response to the blessings God will shower upon RRUMC in the morning. Lunch will be provided. All you need to bring are hands and feet ready to work, and a joyful heart ready to celebrate.

Again, thank you in advance for your financial faithfulness and generosity. I also thank you in advance for bringing your hearts, hands, and feet to volunteer to pack those 30,000 meals. On Sunday, November 10, Consecration Sunday, let’s thank God as we get to GIVE and RECEIVE!! Praise the LORD!!!

Peace and Blessings,
Rev. Dan