Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
Dear Friends and Family of RRUMC,
As you read this, we have now made our way into the season of Lent.
I know that for many people it is a time of self-denial. We ask ourselves, what am I going to give up this year? It might be eating out. It could be giving up sweets. The one year I gave up cheese and that was the worst Lent of my life. LOL. I never realized how much cheese I ate until then.
This year, Paul and I want you to think of something else as you walk through your Lenten season. Even though we are already into the season, it is not too late to give it a try. Instead of just giving something up, how about PICKING SOMETHING UP? How about picking up a time of prayer, fasting, committing to weekly church attendance, making sure you take communion, and other practices of faith. Is there one of those that you can pick up instead of just dropping something else?
Paul and I are also challenging people to not only pick up one of the spiritual practices of the faith that I mentioned above, but how about picking up a service commitment to one of the ministries here at RRUMC?
James 2:14 says, “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds?” As we take up those spiritual practices to deepen our faith and to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ, how will that relationship manifest itself? Our hope is that you would feel called to live out that growing faith in Jesus Christ through service.
We have a lot of opportunities where you can just “try it out.” You can serve at our Twice Blessed Free Store, at our Upward Sports ministry, or at our Cruisin’ River Car Cruises over the summer. Those three ministries are especially in need of your service in the work that they are doing to help people meet Jesus Christ in the midst of their story.
E-mail our main office at to get the contact information of the leaders of those ministries so that your faith can come to life in deeds.
I hope and pray that you are having a holy and blessed Lent. Maybe if you PICK SOMETHING UP you can be a blessing to someone else and at the same time watch God fill your heart to overflowing. May God bless your Lenten journey.
Peace and Blessings,
Rev. Dan