Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre

Dear Friends and Family of RRUMC,

I am once again very proud of RRUMC and still humbled and privileged to serve as your senior pastor.

I feel that way because I know that, as you read this issue of the Circuit Rider, you see that it is introducing the ministries of June and the rest of the summer at RRUMC. I am proud of our church when I look at the three months ahead.

There are many churches that basically go into hibernation when it comes to June, July, and August. Many of the programs, ministries, and events that populate the calendars of churches from September through May end up being sidelined until the church “fires up” again after Labor Day.

Our church, however, does not skip a beat when it comes to summer. In fact, it is summer that enables us to launch ministries that we cannot run during the year. For example, Vacation Bible School would be almost impossible to run if we could not use our outside space. Our car cruise ministry is impossible to do any other time of the year as those people will not bring out those prized possessions with a high chance of snow or rain in the forecast.

I see that there are Bible studies that happen in the summer in the Cleveland Metro Parks. There are prayer walks that will also be taking place in those same parks. We have also started the “Holy Hitters” softball team. That is the first team since I have been here.

Those are just a few examples of how, in the summer, we do not shut down, we start up. The apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:22, “I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.”

At RRUMC, we want to make sure that through June, July, and August we are still becoming all things to all people by all means so that we might save some. In fact, those ministries that are active throughout the summer are not available any other time of the year so that we might actually reach different people than we might already be reaching.

It is for that reason that I am so proud, honored, and privileged to serve such an amazing congregation. Thank you, church, for being so faithful to the mission and vision of RRUMC which still says, “It’s all about the story. We exist to help people meet Jesus Christ in the midst of their story,” even in June, July, and August.

Peace and Blessings,

Rev. Dan


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