Nursery School News

by Margery Wanosik, Director

Good Morning Rocky River United Methodist Congregation,

The Nursery School is springing into spring!

It feels wonderful to get the children back outside for some fresh air every day and let them run. We will fill the month teaching the last half of the alphabet and looking forward to the end of the year. The Pre 3s children invite in special guest readers throughout the month of April, while the 3s and Pre-Ks welcome in families for end of the year singing programs in early May. There is always a lot going on downstairs towards the end of the year and surely this year will be no different!

With Easter being late this year, it gives us a little more time to assess all of the progress the kids have made. We are holding conferences for parents and guardians in April to give them an opportunity to come in and chat with us about their children.

The school will be closed Good Friday and the week after Easter. Students will return on Monday, April 28.

Registration is coming along nicely for the upcoming school year. We still have openings in Pre-K (4 day & 5 day). Register Here!

Thank you for your continued support of the school,
Nursery School Teachers & Staff


Children's Ministries