Reflections by Rev. Dan Bogre
Greetings Friends and Family of RRUMC,
I know that usually my article looks forward to the month ahead, but this time I am reflecting back on the year 2024, which is now in our rearview mirror.
Why? Because once again, God, working through all of you, the amazing people of RRUMC, has reminded me of how AMAZING His grace still is.
Every year, RRUMC reviews the finances, the estimate of giving cards, and the many different ways that the people of RRUMC financially support this church and the ministries that God has called us to live into, in order to form the next year’s budget. We have years and years of previous budgets to help put that budget together, and then we hand it over to God. Year after year, God provides. Even though our budget continues to increase as new ministries are born and as prices and inflation soar, God continues to provide. The year 2024 was exactly the same. We were predicting a decent-sized shortfall.
This is where the Bible comes in for me. In Mark 9, we see this exchange: “‘If you can?’ said Jesus. ‘Everything is possible for one who believes.’ Immediately, the boy’s father exclaimed, ‘I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!’” This man wanted Jesus to heal his son, who had been possessed by a demon since childhood. Jesus tells the man that anything is possible for the person who believes. The man says he believes but, at the same time, asks Jesus to help him with his unbelief. That is where I am year after year as I approach the end of the year. I believe the Lord will provide as He has done every year prior, but, Lord, help my unbelief. The boy was healed, and RRUMC finished in the black by $17,000.
I want to thank God for reminding me of how AMAZING His grace still is. I don’t ever want to get used to God’s grace. I always want it to be amazing in the midst of my life and in the midst of this incredibly generous church. I pray that you know that sometimes doubt and unbelief creep into our lives. Don’t forget, however, that God’s grace is still amazing and ready to bring us through those moments of doubt and unbelief. Thank you, church, and thank you, God, for your unwavering generosity, love, and support for RRUMC and our continued call to help people meet Jesus Christ in the midst of their story. After all, “It’s All About the Story.”
Peace and Blessings,
Rev. Dan