Children's Ministries
by Quinn Bennett at
Mission Possible
Sunday, February 2
All ages are welcome to join us for Mission Possible at 3:00pm on Sunday, February 2, in Jean and Jan’s Café. Our project is to pack, decorate, and write notes for 22 care boxes for our college students!
Collection for Mission Possible College Care Boxes
Due by Monday, January 27
We need your help to fill our college care boxes with anything you think college students would like. Deodorant, lip balm, chips, granola bars, candy bars, gum, small devotionals, or gift cards to Starbucks or Chick-fil-A are all options that are great. Be creative and have fun! We just ask that you bring a total of 22 items. We have 10 guys and 12 gals. Please provide donations by Sunday, January 27 (date has been extended) and mark them “college gifts” and place them in the brown basket in the Gathering Area. Let’s show our college students how much we love them! Thank you in advance for your help! We can’t do this without you!
Questions? Contact Quinn Bennett at