Hello from Story Church and TBFS

by Lisa Thomas, TBFS Director

We’ve been busy here at Story Church and Twice Blessed Free Store. From an Easter Egg Hunt with 35 Children, to a blessed Holy Week where we experienced record numbers of worshippers, this past April was certainly filled with a lot of activity!

The Easter Egg Hunt was a huge success with dozens of children turning out to hunt for eggs scattered throughout the church grounds! The weather held off just long enough for them to have a blast running around searching for eggs filled with candy and small toys donated by our wonderful congregation at RRUMC! A great BIG thank you to those who contributed! This event was not only fun for families, but it also provided an opportunity for them to connect with our church family!

As spring turns into summer, we will continue to plan exciting events for our community! This month, we will be hosting a game night. An event open to all ages which will include a variety of different games such as board games, card games, and outdoor activities. This will also be a great way for families to spend quality time together while enjoying some friendly competition and good food!

But it doesn’t stop there! We have many more events planned for the upcoming months, including a community cookout, a splash day, and much, much more! These events are a great way to bring people together while fostering a sense of community. But not only that, these events serve as an important reminder of our mission here at Story Church which is to help people meet Christ in the midst of their stories.

Feel free to join us for worship on Saturdays. At 9:30am, we have coffee, donuts, and fellowship before our 10:00am worship service. For May, worship & shopping dates are: May 6, 13, and 20. We are closed Memorial Day weekend.

If you would like to volunteer for Saturday mornings at TBFS or would like to help out with an event, please email Lisa Thomas at LThomas@rrumc.org.

Our next donation collection is scheduled for July 17-20


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