Story Church and Twice Blessed Free Store
by Lisa Thomas, TBFS Director
I’m happy to say that our SECOND CAMPUS is bustling with so much activity I don’t even know where to begin!
As I write this, I’m listening to the sounds of a circular saw cutting wood as our new side door is being installed. Apparently, we are doing too good of a job inviting people into our ministry that we wore out the old door!! What a GREAT problem to have!
Speaking of new people, we’ve seen quite a few new faces volunteering at TBFS! What a blessing they have been to both our core group of volunteers, and our shoppers and congregation! Thank you for spending your Saturdays with us!
Thank you also to Dan and Emily Peplinski who did an amazing job painting our stairwell! It looks fabulous! Thank you to Mark and Cindy Bacon for installing the new shelving for shoes and toys, and for freshening up our women’s restroom!
What a difference it makes!
I could go on and on about all the amazing things we are doing here at Story Church, but instead I invite you to come and see it for yourselves!! Come, support our second campus and be part of this Miracle on Madison!!
Thank you to all those who participated in the Plate It Forward fundraiser at Houlihan’s in February and to Houlihan’s for sponsoring it. You raised $580.88 for the TBFS and 68 families (based on number of checks received) participated.