Nursery School News

by Aaryn Holland & Margery Wanosik, Co-Directors,

Hello Rocky River United Methodist Congregation,

Greetings in the New Year from the Nursery School. As we progress through the long winter months, the PreK will begin assessing our students for progress notes to be handed out during our conferences that are held in early March. The 3s classes are continuing to work with the children on skills needed as they progress through preschool and get closer to their PreK year. The school approaches language and letter recognition as a whole. Each age group is working on the same letter during the week with various activities to enhance this depending on the age. Scaffolding is such an efficient way to ensure the students continue to work through the letters, the sounds that they make and how to blend the sounds together for consecutive years as they progress through RRUMNS. Art and music are also used daily to complete our curriculum. The children are using picture books as well to learn the difference between fiction stories and nonfiction stories. Wordless books also tend to be a big hit at this age. Registration is opening for new and non-church member families on January 9.

Information can be found online through the church’s website. There is a link for the preschool on the main page. Please help us to spread the word about the wonderful little school housed right here in Rocky River United Methodist Church!


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11th Annual Mary Anne and Richard Cavicchi Christian Education Seminar- Power, Purpose and Love:Becoming Change-Makers in our Communities